"It is an antiquated idea not to want to talk about how you made things. It comes from a time when people thought they would have their ideas stolen. I am not scared of anybody repeating me because it is impossible, as I am moving forward; I am somewhere else. I am thirty-one years old, in the first section of my career. I have just completed my 10,000 hours practice, as Gladwell would see it. I hope I am getting closer to exposing my DNA through my work and fulfilling my curiosities in my work, and not doing this in a selfish way - I want my work to continue to be broad in its subject and appeal to affect people." Quote from Photo-Wisdom. Master Photographers on Their Art by Lewis Blackwell.
Zuckerman is one of those people that really amaze me. Mainly his images of animals, but those of people aswell. His lighting is always exceptional and something that isn't seen so often. Along with the patience that shows in his work with the animal shots.
Zuckerman is one of those people that really amaze me. Mainly his images of animals, but those of people aswell. His lighting is always exceptional and something that isn't seen so often. Along with the patience that shows in his work with the animal shots.

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