Mary Ellen Mark

"I see better in black and white. Perhaps I'm a little bit color-blind. It's also the subject matter I pick that I think works better in black and white."

"People are amazed by the camera. It is the opposite of digital photography. You are making the decisions all upfront and you can't just go for it in post-production."

"My main influences come from photography and film. I have done a lot more work on film sets. Fellini I adore; is I was going to say just one name as an influence or inspiration, it would probably be him. He presented an amazing world and an amazing imagination, but all based in neorealism. He's a realist."

"Irony is in my work. You are conscious of what you are looking at and why, it's in your was of looking. Then you learn how to express it as you become an experienced photographer."

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